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–         pedagogical file on animal feed stuff

–         round table SIA: alternatives for soy

–         launch of French campaign against soy expansion (23/02/05)

–         technical quire/magazine about sustainable agriculture + translation (spring 2006)

–         dossier of 8 pages about animal feed stuff/proteins in Transrural Initiatives (RAD magazine) (January)

–         study on autonomy of proteins (in collaboration with Conseil Général de Bas-Normandie)


CCFD (Catholic Committee Against Hunger and Development):

–         the launch of the french campaign will be on the 23rd of february 2006 (we work on it with RAD, Gret, Confédération Paysanne and Cohérence), till september (but for the moment, it is still under embargo)

–         january 2006 : workshop in Caracas with CPT, FNC and other partners from south America

–         february 2006 : Faim et Dévelopement Magazine (the CCFD’s newspaper), special file on soy (22 pages)

–         march 2006 : Campagnes solidaires (the confédération paysanne’s newspaper), special file on soy (10 pages)

–         march 2006 (the 2nd): round table SIA: alternatives for soy  (with RAD)

other activities will be planned…